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Thule Fund S.A., SICAV-SIF


The content of this website is intended for qualified/well-informed/professional investors only.

Information on this website is not intended for, or shall form the basis for measures made by US persons/US citizens, it shall be intended only for people residing in jurisdictions where Thule Fund S.A., SICAV-SIF is approved for distribution or where such an approval is not necessary. By visiting this website you are confirming your approval of the following user terms, the legal regulations and that you understand these. If you do not approve of the terms and legal regulations, you should not visit www.skandia.se/thule-fund. Such information is only available for qualified investors. A company, private person, or a legal representative without this qualification should not visit this website. By visiting this website or any of its pages you are confirming that you are a qualified investor. Regulated financial intermediary like banks, investment brokers, fund management companies, insurance companies and organizations with professional financial departments is considered as qualified investors.

To qualify as a “well-informed” investor you must be either:

  • An institutional Investor
  • A Professional Investor
  • Any other Investor who has confirmed in writing that they adhere to the status of a “well-informed” Investor and who:
    • Either invests a minimum of EURO 125,000 in the specialized investment fund;
    • Or who has an appraisal from an EU bank, an investment firm or a management company certifying that they have the appropriate expertise, experience and knowledge to adequately understand the investment made in the fund.

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