Just nu pågår bedrägeriförsök där bedragare påstår sig vara från Skandia Fonder och kunna hjälpa till att få tillbaka Bitcoins. Skandia har inga samarbeten med kryptovalutaföretag. De som påstår detta är bedragare.

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Information related to sustainability within Skandiabanken, issuance of Green Bonds in particular.

Sustainability at Skandiabanken

Guided by the Skandia Group’s sustainability framework and the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative, Principles for Responsible Banking, Skandiabanken is committed to aligning its business and operations to the Paris Agreement. 

As a responsible bank, fulfilling a significant role in society, Skandiabanken aims to actively contribute to an overarching sustainable development and the transition to a climate-neutral economy.

Green Bond Framework

In order to enable issuance of green bonds Skandiabanken has created a Green Bond Framework in accordance with the ICMA green bond principles.

Green Bond Framework

Second-Party Opinion

Skandiabanken has commissioned Sustainalytics to perform a screening of our Green Bond Framework and to produce a second-party opinion.

Second-Party Opinion

Investor presentation

Investor presentation - Green bond framework