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Debt investors

This is where you find information related to the Skandiabanken capital markets borrowing such as investor presentations, funding programmes and rating.

Skandiabanken in short

Skandiabanken AB is a wholly owned subsidiary of Livförsäkringsbolaget Skandia which has been a mutual parent company since 2014. Skandiabanken is focused on Swedish mortgages and the business model is based on a digital platform with transparent pricing.  

Funding strategy

A majority of the assets are funded via retail deposits. The remaining part is, to a large extent, funded via the capital markets. Skandiabanken issues only SEK denominated bonds or commercial papers. Most of the funding raised via the capital markets comes from Floating Rate Notes (FRN).

The funding programmes available are:

  • Swedish covered bond (SEK 80 bn limit)
  • Medium Term Notes (SEK 12 bn limit)
  • Commercial papers (SEK 8 bn limit)