Group Insurance plan
In our group insurance plan you can purchase up to seven forms of insurance. You choose yourself which ones you want to sign up for.
Insurance protection according to your life situation
In this brochure you can see our recommendations, based on your family situation.
Security for you and your family: Brochure
Group Insurance
Is there really a need for more insurance than that provided for by the state?
The answer to that question, without a doubt, is YES. The insurance you receive automatically from the state is called statutory insurance and includes your national basic pension and sickness benefits from the social insurance office. In addition, you as an employee, also have contractual insurance, which is insurance that your employer pays for under collective agreements. This insurance may include occupational group life insurance, supplementary pension, and personal accident insurance during working hours.
Unfortunately, these forms of insurance will not give you enough protection. In addition to your statutory and contractual insurance protection, you can purchase group insurance and individual insurance. These are both voluntary forms of insurance that you pay for yourself.
Group insurance offers basic financial protection as a complement to your statutory bargained agreements.
For a reasonable amount each month you can purchase insurance protection that others have to pay considerably more for. Skandia offers you group insurance that suits your specific needs, whatever your life situation.
The Group Insurance Plan - brief overwiev
This is a brief description of Skandia’s group insurance. The master policy and application state which insurance is offered to employees/members/co-insured. This means that it is not always possible for an employees/members/co-insureds to purchase all forms of the insurance. Claim settlement is based on the insurance terms and conditions for group insurance.
Group member - refers to a company’s employees or a member of a federation or association
Co-insured - refers to a group member’s spouse/cohabitant.
Life Insurance
Life assurance is the payment of a lump-sum benefit to a beneficiary upon the death of the insured. In addition to a death benefit, it also includes child life cover. Life assurance does not include any savings, but is a pure risk insurance. If in addition to your group life assurance you have other life assurances, benefits may be payable from each policy. The death benefit can be disbursed from several policies. The life assurance provided by this plan gives you the opportunity to choose the level of the death benefit that suits your need. The alternatives available to you are stated in the application. These amounts may be reduced due to your age at the time of death. Check the application to see what applies to your policy.
The beneficiary is primarily your spouse, registered partner or cohabitant, and secondarily your heirs. Certain group contracts have a beneficiary clause that deviates from this. Check to see what applies to your life policy.You can choose to write your own beneficiary nomination. Skandia provides a special form for this.
Special beneficiary nomination for voluntary group life insurance -
Child life insurance is included as part of the group member’s and co-insured’s life insurance and applies for the death of the insured’s children entitled to inheritance.
The death benefit is equivalent to the Price Base Amount.
The insurance remains in force no longer than until the end of the month in which the child turns 20. If the life insurance lapses prior to this, the child life insurance also lapses.
In order to qualify for the child life insurance, the child may not have turned 16, the child’s parents may not have been granted a care subsidy, and the child may not have been receiving care at a hospital or other healthcare institution at the time the life insurance was purchase.
- The life assurance is valid worldwide regardless of the duration of the insured’s stay abroad. Premiums are calculated according to the group member’s age.
- The insurance remains in force not longer than the end of the month in which you no longer belong to the group of persons who, according to the master policy, can be insured, i.e., when you have ended your employment/group membership. A coinsured´s insurance lapses always when the group member leaves the master policy.
- The insurance can be purchased by a group member and his/her spouse or cohabitant.
Insurance provider: Skandia Mutual Life Insurance Company Registered office: Stockholm. Reg. no.: 516406-0948
Incapacity Compensation Insurance
Incapacity compensation insurance includes incapacity compensation and diagnosis insurance.
If you receive a decision for a disability benefit from Försäkringskassan (permanently reduced capacity for work) by at least 25 % or have had a reduced capacity for work by at least 25 % for a total of 3 years during a 5-year period, you may be entitled to incapacity compensation.
The purpose of incapacity compensation is to compensate you for a certain portion of your future loss of income that the reduced capacity for work may entail.
The level of the benefit depends on the insurance amount that applied when you qualified for the right to the benefit, and your degree of reduced capacity for work. If you have turned 46, the original insurance amount is reduced by 5 % for each year your age exceeds 45 to a minimum of 50 %.
• Malignant cancer
• Myocardial infarction
• Stroke
• Multiple sclerosis (MS)
• Motor neuron disease (MND)
• Idiopathic Parkinson’s disease
• Completion of a heart bypass operation
• Heart valve surgery
• Surgery to correct coarctation or an aneurysm in the aorta
• Kidney failure
• Organ transplantation
• Permanent problems resulting from meningitis
• Neuroborreliosis
• Permanent problems resulting from tick-borne encephalitis (TBE)
• Blindness
• Deafness
• Loss of ability to speak
• Paralysis
• Loss of hand, arm, foot or legThe insurance amount is equivalent to the Price Base Amount and is not reduced due to age.
The level of the benefit depends on the insurance amount that applied when you received your diagnosis/the operation was performed.
- Incapacity compensation insurance is not valid for stays outside of the Nordic countries for longer than 1 year. For stays outside of the Nordic countries in connection with a stationing abroad, other rules may apply.
- Premiums are calculated according to the group member’s age.
- The insurance remains in force not longer than the end of the month in which the insured turns 65. The co-insured’s insurance always lapses when the group member leaves the master policy.
- The insurance can be purchased by a group member and his or her spouse or cohabitant.
Insurance provider: Skandia Mutual Life Insurance Company Registered office: Stockholm. Reg. no.: 516406-0948
Disability Insurance
Disability insurance may include:
- Sickness compensation
- Crisis insurance – for critical illness
- Health Insurance Group
Should you be on sick leave by at least 25 %, the disability insurance will pay you benefits after the end of the qualifying period. The qualifying period is a minimum of 90 days. Check the application to see what applies to your policy.
The insurance pays you benefits for an uninterrupted period of reduced capacity for work of a maximum of 5 years, or for a total of a maximum of 5 years of benefits during a 7-year period. Once the maximum benefit has been paid out, the disability insurance will lapse. After you have been fully fit for work for 12 months, you will have the right during the next 3 months to take out new disability insurance, if you are still fully fit for work. You must apply yourself for re-enrollment in the disability insurance.
The benefits period may be limited if you, within 2 years after taking out the insurance, contract an illness that caused you – during the last 2 years prior to taking out the insurance – to suffer from a reduced capacity to work for more than 30 consecutive days. Read more about this in the insurance terms and conditions.
If you, during the time you are receiving benefits from your disability insurance, are granted activity compensation or sickness compensation from Försäkringskassan by at least 25%, your disability insurance will be granted entirely premium-free.
The level of disability benefits that you may choose from depends on your income. You have the right to combine benefits from disability insurance, such as from Försäkringskassan, your occupational pension and disability insurance, corresponding to approximately 90 % of your earned income. In the event of over-insurance, the scope of your disability insurance may be limited, or your disability insurance may be invalid. You are responsible for continuously ensuring that you have the right level of benefits under your disability insurance and that you are not overinsured. The disability benefits are not automatically adjusted to your salary level. In the event of a salary increase, you must apply for the right level. You can do this by completing a new application with a health declaration or by exercising your option right.
The insurance provides crisis therapy (maximum of six sessions) to the insured for any of the following events:
• a serious illness
• a serious illness suffered by spouse/cohabitant
• a serious illness suffered by your own child. Applies also to spouse’s/cohabitant’s children under the condition that the child resides at the same address as the insured.
By serious illness is meant the National Board of Health and Welfare’s description of the concepts, e.g., malignant tumour diseases, MS, ALS.
If you are not feeling well and because of this you are at risk of having to go on sick leave, Health Insurance can help you. We make no distinction as to whether your problems are of a private nature or work-related. The insurance entitles you to:
• Health and rehab counselling – maximum of 6 consultations for each insurance event
• Work life planning – maximum of 6 consultations for each insurance event
• Consultation therapy for mental ill-health – maximum of 6 sessions for each insurance event
The services are provided primarily by phone or via a secure videoconferens. Benefits may be provided up to a maximum value equivalent to the Price Base Amount for each insurance event. The insurance has no deductible.
Disability insurance is not valid for stays outside of the Nordic countries for longer than 1 year. For stays outside of the Nordic countries in connection with a stationing abroad, other rules may apply.
Premiums are calculated according to the group member’s age. The insurance remains in force no longer than the end of the month in which the insured turns 65. A co-insured’s insurance lapses always when the group member leaves the master policy. The insurance can be purchased by a group member and his or her spouse or cohabitant.
Insurance provider for sickness compensation and crisis insurance: Skandia Mutual Life Insurance Company, Registered office: Stockholm. Reg. no.: 516406-0948 Insurance provider for Health Insurance – Group: Skandia Insurance Company Ltd (publ), Registered office: Stockholm. Reg. no.: 502017-3083
Accident Insurance
An accidental injury is a bodily injury that you sustain involuntarily as a result of a sudden external event. The insurance can be valid 24 hours a day or only during leisure time. In certain cases, you have the option to purchase extra invalidity cover. Check the application to see what applies to your policy. A precondition for the right to benefits is that the injury required medical care. There are no restrictions for particularly high-risk activities, and the insurance carries no deductible. No health declaration is required to purchase accident insurance.
- Medical costs
- Costs for dental injury
- Travel costs
- Additional costs of up to 3.5 times the Price Base Amount
- Rehabilitation costs of up to 2 times the Price Base Amount
- Crisis insurance
- Pain and suffering
- Medical invalidity
- Financial invalidity
- Compensation for scarring
- Death benefit equivalent to the Price Base Amount.
The level of invalidity benefit is based on the insurance amount, the insured’s age at the time of the accident and the degree of invalidity. The insurance amount is reduced depending on your age at the time of the accident.
Accident insurance is not valid for stays outside of the Nordic countries for longer than 1 year. For stays outside of the Nordic countries in connection with a stationing abroad, other rules may apply.
The insurance remains in force not longer than the end of the month in which you no longer belong to the group of persons who, according to the master policy, can be insured, i.e., when you have ended your employment/group membership.
The insurance can be purchased by a group member and his or her spouse, registered partner or cohabitant.
Insurance provider: Skandia Insurance Company Ltd (publ) Registered office: Stockholm. Reg. no.: 502017-3083
Disability and Accident Insurance for Adults
The insurance is valid 24 hours a day and provides insurance protection both for accidents and illness. A precondition for the right to benefits is that the injury or illness required medical care. There are no restrictions for particularly high-risk activities, and the insurance carries no deductible.
An accidental injury is a bodily injury that you sustain involuntarily as a result of a sudden external event.
Benefits may be paid for:• Medical costs
• Costs for dental injury
• Travel costs
• Additional costs of up to 3.5 times the Price Base Amount
• Rehabilitation costs of up to 2 times the Price Base Amount
• Crisis insurance
• Pain and suffering
• Medical invalidity
• Financial invalidity
• Compensation for scarring
• Death benefit equivalent to the Price Base Amount. -
• Medical invalidity
• Compensation for scarring -
The insurance does not pay benefits for consequences of illnesses, physical impairment or mental developmental disorders, or for consequences of accidental injuries sustained before Skandia’s liability came into force.
The insurance terms and conditions stipulate which illnesses, conditions and events are entirely excluded from compensation. Examples are age-related changes in joints (arthritis), fibromyalgia and burn-out. For a complete specification of restrictions on the validity of the disability and accident insurance, see the insurance terms and conditions.
The level of invalidity original benefit is based on the insurance amount, the insured’s age at the time of the accident and the degree of invalidity. The insurance amount is reduced depending on your age at the time of the accident.
The insurance is not valid for stays outside of the Nordic countries for longer than 1 year. For stays outside of the Nordic countries in connection with a stationing abroad, other rules may apply.
The insurance remains in force not longer than the end of the month in which you no longer belong to the group of persons who, according to the master policy, can be insured, i.e., when you have ended your employment/group membership.
The insurance can be purchased by a group member and his or her spouse, registered partner or cohabitant.
Insurance provider: Skandia Insurance Company Ltd (publ) Registered office: Stockholm. Reg. no.: 502017-3083
Child Insurance - Accident and Illness
Child insurance provides insurance protection for accidents and illnesses and is valid for your children entitled to inheritance if you are a group member. Children of your spouse, registered partner or cohabitant are covered if they are registered as residents at the same address you.
A precondition for the right to benefits is that the accidental injury or illness required medical care. There are no restrictions for particularly high-risk activities, and the insurance carries no deductible.
No health declaration is required to purchase child insurance.
Children born outside of the Nordic countries are covered by accident insurance as soon as they arrive in Sweden. Insurance for illness is not valid until the child has been in Sweden for a minimum of 1 year and has undergone an adoptive child examination or similar, a general physician’s examination that has also been followed up at a child healthcare centre (barnavårdscentral) or by a paediatrician.
For accidental injury, benefits may be paid for:
• Medical costs
• Costs for dental injury
• Travel costs
• Additional costs of up to 3.5 times the Price Base Amount
• Rehabilitation costs of up to 2 times the Price Base Amount
• Hospitalisation for a maximum of 365 days through the child’s 18th year
• Crisis insurance for children older than 16
• Medical invalidity
• Financial invalidity
• Compensation for scarring
• Death benefit equivalent to the Price Base Amount.
An accidental injury is a bodily injury that a child sustains involuntarily as a result of a sudden external event. -
For illness, benefits may be paid for:
• Hospitalisation for a maximum of 365 days until the child’s 18th year
• Medical invalidity
• Financial invalidity
• Compensation for scarring
• Death benefit equivalent to the Price Base Amount. -
The insurance does not pay benefits for consequences of illnesses, physical impairment or mental developmental disorders, or for consequences of accidental injuries sustained before Skandia’s liability came into force. Nor is the insurance valid for congenital illnesses and injuries that were incurred during the first month of life. However, this restriction does not apply to symptoms that did not become apparent until the child turned 6 years of age.
The insurance terms and conditions stipulate which illnesses are entirely excluded from cover. Examples of such illnesses/ conditions are DAMP, ADHD and Autism. For complete information regarding restrictions, see the terms and conditions for Skandia Group Insurance.
The level of invalidity benefit is based on the insurance amount and the degree of invalidity.
Child insurance is not valid for stays outside of the Nordic countries for longer than 1 year. For a group member’s stay outside of the Nordic countries in connection with a stationing abroad, other rules may apply.
Under the condition that you as a group member have not reached the maximum age for the master policy (through the month in which you turn 65), child insurance remains in force not longer than the end of the calendar year in which the child has reached the maximum age (25 years).
You must notify the insurance provider yourself when your youngest child has reached the maximum age. Within 3 months of reaching the maximum age, the child can purchase continuation insurance.
The insurance can only be purchased by a group member.
Insurance provider: Skandia Insurance Company Ltd (publ) Registered office: Stockholm. Reg. no.: 502017-3083
Health Care Insurance - Lifeline without referral
The insurance provides access to private medical care. After contacting Skandia's Healthcare Planning, the insured gains access to examinations and treatment performed by a physician in Skandia´s network. All care and treatment, as well as all costs, must be approved by Skandia in advance.
The insurance is valid for care in Sweden. Certain, special forms of treatment cannot be offered in the private healthcare sector in Sweden. Such treatments are provided by the national healthcare system and cannot be booked by Skandia Healthcare Planning.
The insurance does not pay benefits during the time you reside and are registered at an address abroad.
The application and master policy indicate that the insurance applies with or without a deductible. If the insurance carries a deductible, then such deductible is SEK 750 for each insurance event.
The liability period is four years from the claim date. If the insurance lapses, the liability period and thus the right to benefits also lapses.
• Healthcare advice
• Healthcare planning
• Healthcare guarantee – you are guaranteed to receive an initial contact with a physician within 7 days or to be admitted to a hospital in Skandia’s network within 20 weekdays
• Private medical care
• Medicines
• Patient co-payments
• Operations and in-patient hospital care
• Aftercare – rehabilitation
• Post-operative home assistance
• Treatment by a psychologist, naprapath, chiropractor or occupational therapist
• Dietician
• Medical devices
• Travel and lodging
• Second opinion -
The insurance does not cover illnesses or accidental injuries that you had symptoms from, or received care or medication for, prior to the insurance’s coming into force. If you have been free from symptoms and have not received care or medication for 2 years, without interruption upon possible recurrence of the illness/injury, it will still be covered by the insurance.
For a complete description of restrictions to the healthcare guarantee as well as restrictions on the validity of the insurance, see the group insurance terms and conditions.
Premiums are calculated according to the insured´s age. The insurance remains in force not longer than the end of the month in which you no longer belong to the group of persons who, according to the master policy, can be insured, i.e., when you have ended your employment/group membership. A co-insured’s insurance lapses always when the group member leaves the master policy.
The insurance can be purchased by a group member and his/her spouse/registered partner or cohabitant.
Insurance provider: Skandia Insurance Company Ltd (publ) Registered office: Stockholm. Reg. no.: 502017-3083
Healthcare Insurance - Access with Referral
The insurance provides access to care from a specialist physician upon referral from a primary care physician. All care and treatment, as well as all costs, must be approved by Skandia in advance.
The insurance is valid for care in Sweden. Certain, special forms of treatment cannot be offered in the private healthcare sector in Sweden. Such treatments are provided by the national healthcare system and cannot be booked by Skandia Healthcare Planning.
The insurance does not pay benefits during the time you reside and are registered at an address abroad.
The insurance carries no deductible.
The liability period is four years from the claim date. If the insurance lapses, the liability period and thus the right to benefits also lapses.
• Healthcare advice
• Healthcare planning
• Healthcare guarantee – you are guaranteed to receive an initial contact with a physician within 7 days or to be admitted to a hospital in Skandia’s network within 20 weekdays
• Specialist medical care
• Medicines
• Patient co-payments
• Operations and in-patient hospital care
• Aftercare – rehabilitation
• Post-operative home assistance
• Treatment by a psychologist, naprapath, chiropractor or occupational therapist
• Dietician
• Medical devices
• Travel and lodging
• Second opinion. -
The insurance does not cover illnesses or accidental injuries that you had symptoms from, or received care or medication for, prior to the insurance’s coming into force. If you have been free from symptoms and have not received care or medication for 2 years without interruption upon possible recurrence of the illness/injury, it will still be covered by the insurance.
For a complete description of restrictions to the healthcare guarantee as well as restrictions on the validity of the insurance, see the group insurance terms and conditions.
Premiums are calculated according to the insured’s age. The insurance remains in force not longer than the end of the month in which you no longer belong to the group of persons who, according to the master policy, can be insured, i.e., when you have ended your employment/group membership. A co-insured’s insurance lapses always when the group member leaves the master policy.
The insurance can be purchased by a group member and his/her spouse/registered partner or cohabitant.Insurance provider: Skandia Insurance Company Ltd (publ) Registered office: Stockholm. Reg. no.: 502017-3083
Talk support A thousand questions
Talk support A thousand questions (Samtalsstöd Tusen frågor) is a service that gives you access to support for problems which over time could impair your health and ability to work. The service is available to you as a group member or co-insured with a group member covered by any form of group insurance under this agreement.
Call us 0771-65 50 50.
You can obtain advice and guidance on a range of issues, including:
- Private questions – questions related to stress, such as relationship problems, parenting, alcohol and drug abuse, and grief
- Legal matters and personal finance – questions about your rights at work and in your private life and questions with respect to divorce, death, debt and housing
- Health and exercise – proactive health support, such as regarding physical activity
- Daily life prioritisation – Daily life prioritisation aims to promote a healthy balance in daily life and to reduce feelings of stress through improved planning and prioritisation.
The respective service providers are each responsible for their own services. Skandia
only refers customers to the respective service providers. The services are therefore not covered by Skandia's responsibility. Read more about the service at skandia.se/samtalsstöd.