General Information on Skandia Group Insurance
The group insurance plan is based on an agreement between Skandia and an employer, association or federation. The group can consist of the employees of a company or the members of an association or federation. One prerequisite for the validity of an individual insurance policy is that a master policy is in force.
Insurance contract
An insurance contract for voluntary group insurance is entered into between Skandia and the group member based on the master policy.
Such a contract can also be entered into when the group member fails to decline the insurance within a certain period of time (default enrolment).
An insurance contract for obligatory group insurance is considered to exist between Skandia and representatives for the group through the master policy.
The insurance contract has a term starting the day after enrolment until the next due date. The due date is normally 1 January. If the insurance contract or the master policy are not cancelled by either of the parties, the insurance contract will be renewed in accordance with the terms stipulated by Skandia for 1 year at a time.
Skandia has the right in the event of a renewal of the insurance to amend the terms and conditions of the insurance. If such an amendment is made, the amended terms and conditions apply with effect from the upcoming renewal date.
Skandia also has the right to amend the insurance terms and conditions during the insurance period if the conditions for the agreement change as a result of changed legislation. If an insurance event occurs, it will be settled in accordance with the terms and conditions that applied at the time of the insurance event took place. The master policy and the various forms of insurance are governed by Swedish law. This information is based on legislation that applied on the date this information was published. Note that legislation may change. -
The master policy stipulates who may be enrolled and which insurance is offered. The following persons may have the right to be enrolled in the insurance:
- Individuals employed by the company stated in the master policy. Such employment must be permanent or temporary with a contracted, uninterrupted employment period of at least 6 months. The term temporary employment includes persons with a probational employment who have not received or given notice that probational employment will not become permanent employment.
- Members of a federation or association that is stated in the master policy.
- The spouse or cohabitant of a person, who has the right to may be enrolled in the insurance. The spouse or cohabitant may be enrolled in the insurance if the group member has contracted at least one form of insurance for him-/herself from those covered by the master policy.
To be enrolled in an insurance, at the time of enrolment and in connection whit any change/expansion of the insurance, the person to be insured must:
- be a resident of Sweden with a registered address
- have turned 16 years of age, and
- meet the health requirements (See below “Is any health declaration required for enrolment in the insurance or to increase the insurance amount?”)
How do I enrol in the insurance?
The enrolment forms that are used are described in the matter policy.
Enrolment in a voluntary group insurance can be done by:
- submitting an own application, i.e., you apply to be enrolled in the insurance
- not declaining the insurance within a certain period of time (default enrolment). See below.
When you become a new group member (are newly hired), your employer must immediately report this to Skandia. If application is not made within 2 months from the initial date of employment, as a new employee you cannot be enrolled by default, but must send in your own application. Once your employer has submitted an application, Skandia will send out an information letter offering you the option to decline the insurance within a certain period of time. During this time you may have preliminary cover (see below) if stated in the enrolment application. Once the period for declining the insurance has expired, the insurance will take force and the premium must be paid. Only persons who are fully fit for work upon entry to the group qualify for default enrolment for other insurance than accident insurance. If you are not fully fit for work, you must, therefore, decline enrolment in these other insurances.
The application states if the preliminary cover is included and which insurance protection is included. Preliminary cover applies to new group members (new employees) who are fully fit for work at the time of their inclusion in the group. However, the requirement for being fully fit for work does not apply to accident insurance.
Preliminary cover entails that, as a new group member, you are covered by insurance for 3 months without having to apply for the insurance or pay a premium. After that period, the insurance protection ends if you have not been enrolled in the insurance through an own application or default enrolment.
During the time that the preliminary cover is valid, you can also increase/raise the insurance cover for yourself or for a coinsured person and children by submitting an own application. The increased/raised insurance cover is free of charge also during the time the preliminary cover is in effect.
For default enrolment, the period during which you may decline the insurance expires at the same time the preliminary cover expires.
Is any health declaration required for enrolment in the insurance or to increase the insurance amount?
A basic requirement for being able to purchase group insurance is that the person to be insured is fully fit for work. * Exceptions apply – see below.
- Accident insurance
- Child insurance
*By fully fit for work is meant that the person to be insured- can perform his/her ordinary work without exceptions
- is not receiving benefits related to his/her own illness, injury or functional disability, or does not have such benefits pending
- does not have specially adapted work and is not employed in a subsidises pay scheme or similar for health reasons.
- To apply for disability and accident insurance for adults and for private healthcare insurance
- If the group member, during the preliminary cover period, applies for continued life, disability or incapacity compensation insurance that corresponds to a maximum of the insurance amount that is provided by the preliminary cover (see application)
- To exercise the option right to life or disability insurance
- The group member, during the preliminary cover period, you apply for a higher amount than what is included in the preliminary cover (see application)
- The group member, after the preliminary cover period has expired you applies for life, disability or incapacity compensation insurance
- The group member is covered by a master policy that lacks preliminary cover and applying for life, disability or incapacity compensation insurance
- A person who is coinsured with you applies for life, disability or incapacity compensation insurance.
Is there any special right to increase the life assurance and disability insurance amount after submitting a simplified health declaration? (Option right)
An option right entails that you, provided you have not turned 60 years of age, may have the right to increase the insurance amount for life assurance, a disability insurance with the health requirement of being fully fit for work, instead of submitting a health declaration.
The insurance must have been in force for at least 1 year without interruption when the application to increase the insurance amount is made. Once an option right has been exercised, a new option cannot be exercised intil after 1 year at the earliest. You must apply to exercise the option right yourself. You can do this in a special form.
entails that for the events listed below, you have the right to increase the death benefit to the next higher level in the master policy, but not more than an amount equivalent to 10 times the Price Base Amount per occasion. An increase under the option right is allowed up to a maximum of 20 times the Base Amount. The increase will be granted within 1 year from the event.
An option event occurs if the insured- enters into a cohabitation relationship
- enter into marriage
- obtain children entitled to your inheritance
- buy a permanent home in Sweden for own use that involves a new or increased home mortgage. The insured must be a mortgagee by at least 50% and be registered as residing in the home.
Ansökan om optionsrätt Livförsäkring - Form for option right for Life assurance
entails that you have the right to increase the insurance amount by one level, i.e., SEK 700. The insurance amount may not exceed the maximum amount allowed in the master policy for the income you have.
If you suffer from a reduced capacity for work within 1 year from the time the increase took effect, and the reduced capacity for work is attributable in full or in part to an illness that showed symptoms or an accident that occurred before the increase took effect, the compensation will be calculated based on the insurance amount that applied before the increase.
Ansökan om optionsrätt Sjukförsäkring - Option right for disability insurance
When can an application be filed and when does the insurance come into force?
comes into force the day after an application for enrolment has been filed with Skandia, under the condition that the application is granted. If enrolment takes place through default, the insurance comes into force when the designated time to decline the insurance expires. The preliminary cover comes into force the day after you have become a group member.
Application for insurance can be made as long as you belong to the group and have not reached the maximum entry age for the insurance. For new employees, an application can be made not earlier than 30 days before the date employment commenced. A precondition for the insurance’s coming into force on the date that employment commences is that you are fully fit for work on that day. If you are not fully fit for work, you must contact Skandia Customer Service.
comes into force on the day after that on which the master policy was entered into or, if a person joins the group at a later date, on the day after such person’s inclusion in the group, unless otherwise stated in the master policy.
How long does the insurance remain in force?
A group insurance remains in force not later than until such time that you as a group member or your coinsured person reaches the maximum age specified in the master policy – normally at the end of the month in which the insured turns 65.
Prior to this, the group insurance lapses:
- at the end of the month in which you no longer belong to the group of persons who, according to the master policy, can be insured, i.e., when you have ended your employment/group membership
- when you cancel the group insurance
- when the preliminary cover expires and you have not become enrolled in the insurance
- when the premium has not been paid on time and the insurance lapses. See “How are premiums paid?” below
- when the master policy lapses. A cancellation of the master policy by the group representative or Skandia applies for all insureds.
In addition to what is stated under Insured group member above, the following applies for your coinsured. If the group member’s insurance lapses, the coinsured’s insurance also lapses. In addition, the coinsured’s insurance lapses prior to this at the end of the month in which
- the group member dies, or
- the marriage, registered partnership or cohabitation relationship with the group member is dissolved.
In addition to what is stated under Insured group member above, the following applies for child insurance. Child insurance remains in force until the end of the calendar year in which the child turns 25. If the group member’s insurance lapses, the child insurance also lapses. Insurance for children of the group member’s spouse/cohabitant also falls out of force if the child is no longer registered as a resident at the group member’s address.
The validity period cannot be extended through payment of premiums for the time after the insurance has lapsed.
If the group insurance lapses, you may have the right within 3 months from the lapse date of the insurance to purchase continuation insurance, extended employment insurance, senior insurance or extension insurance. Your coinsured may have the right to purchase continuation insurance or senior insurance. An insured child who has reached the maximum age for child insurance has the right to purchase continuation insurance.
Premiums are calculated for 1 year at a time. Premiums are to be paid by the due date at the latest. If a premium is not paid on time and the delay is considerable, Skandia may cancel the insurance or limit its liability in accordance with the insurance terms and conditions. Such cancellation takes effect 14 days after Skandia has sent a cancellation notice if the premium is not paid within that time.
Premiums can be paid via salary deduction, payment slip or direct debit (Autogiro).
You have the right to cancel an insurance with immediate effect at any time. Cancellation must be made in writing.
If you are not satisfied with your purchase of group insurance, you have the right to change your mind. If you notify Skandia within 30 days from the day you received a confirmation that the insurance came into force, you can terminate the policy with immediate effect. In such case, your paid-in premium will be repaid.
To exercise your right to change your mind, contact Skandia on +46 771 55 55 00 or by e-mail at grupp@skandia.se. -
Insurance benefits paid out are exempt from income tax.
The insurance providers are stated in the descriptions of the various forms of insurance. The insurers are under the supervision of the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority.
If you have views you would like to share, please contact us - so that we can be even better!. naturally course, we want to ensure your satisfied.
If you have a complaint, you should always first contact the person who handled your case to get a further explanation and sort out any misunderstandings. If you do not know whom to turn to, you can always contact our customer service.
If you are not satisfied with the decision that has been made regarding your complaint, you can turn to Skandia’s complaints investigator. At your request, a complaints investigator can review your case and examine processing and decisions on various matters. Requests to have a case reviewed by Skandia´s complaints investigator must be writing.
The Swedish Consumer Agency (Konsumentverket) also offers independent guidance via its “Hallå Konsument” information service. You can obtain information and advice about banking and insurance information directly on its website, or by e-mail, chat or phone call. In addition, many municipalities have a consumer guidance officer who can give you information and advice. You can find the consumer guideance officer in your municipality via Hallå konsument. You can also obtain general information and guidance on insurance matters from the Swedish Consumers Insurance Bureau (Konsumenternas Försäkringsbyrå).If you want to have your case reviewed through dispute resolution outside of Skandia, you have the right to turn to an alternative dispute resolution board. Insurance disputes are reviewed by the National Board for Consumer Complaints (Allmänna Reklamationsnämnden), and for insurance medicine issues, by the Board for Insurance of Persons (Personförsäkringsnämnden). You can coneniently submit your complaint online to either of these boards via the EU’s platform for dispute resolution. Through this platform, your complaint will be forwarded to the dispute resolution board your choice, and the entire process will be handled online via the platform. You can also have a dispute heard in a Swedish court of law. If you have legal protection insurance, which is commonly included in home insurance, the insurance can often compensate for your legal costs.
Skandia’s complaints investigator
Postal address:
Document handling R809, SE-106 37 Stockholm, Sweden
E-mail: klagomal@skandia.seSwedish Consumes Insurance Bureau (Konsumentverket)
Visitors address: Tage Erlandergatan 8 A, Karlstad
Postal address: Box 48, SE-651 02 Karlstad, Sweden
Phone: +46 771-42 33 00
Website: konsumentverket.se
Hallå Konsument
Phone: +46 771 525 525
Website: hallakonsument.se
Swedish Consumers Insurance Bureau (Konsumenternas Försäkringsbyrå)
Visitors address: Karlavägen 108, Stockholm
Postal address: Box 24215, SE-104 51 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46 200 22 58 00
Website: konsumenternas.se
EU’s online platform for dispute resolution
Website: https://ec.europa.eu/odr/
National Board for Consumer Complaints (Allmänna reklamationsnämnden)
Visitors address: Kungsholmstorg 5, Stockholm
Postal address: Box 174, SE-101 23 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46 8 508 860 00
Website: arn.se
Board for Insurance of Persons (Personförsäkringsnämnden)
Visitors address: Karlavägen 100, Stockholm
Postal address: Svensk Försäkrings Nämnder,
Box 24067, SE-104 50 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46 8 522 787 20
Website: forsakringsnamnder.se/PFN/
What happens if any information is false or incomplete?
False or incomplete information about circumstances that are of significance for how the insurance risk is assessed may result in Skandia cancelling or amending the insurance and that Skandia’s liability for insurance events that have occurred may be limited or eliminated entirely.